Wednesday, September 18, 2013

About me

Here goes a little list of fun facts about me I have recently acknowledged or learned...quiza con un poco de spanglish. 
Please feel free to add some things I might have missed in the comments below! It could be fun...

- I cry over anything (a song, movie, a special commercial, because i'm sad or angry...happy tears are the hardest ones though, probably only had that once)
- I have recently discovered I love aguacate...y siempre me digo a mi misma "porque te perdiste de esta delicia 24 años de vida?!"
- Soy intensa. Cuando entro en confianza no me quedo quieta y hablo mucho, if it annoys you let me know or, better yet, just go away. 
- Soy muy brava, especialmente por cosas que pueden parecer insignificantes ...pero, se me pasa rápido y trato de controlarlo.
- Podré ser brava pero no orgullosa. Si se que me equivoque o la cague pido perdón. No entiendo porque hay gente que le cueste pedir perdón cuando saben que se equivocaron. 
- Im a family girl! Abuelos, tios, tias, primas(o), love them all to death! Mess with them, mess with me. 
- Tengo un love/hate relationship con navidad y esas fiestas, me entra el estres desde octubre...its a yearly struggle which i'd like to think is improving.
- If I like someone there is like a 10-day window where a roller coaster of thoughts go through my head at light speed, defining days.
- Siempre siento que el tiempo no es suficiente. Mis respetos Sr. Tiempo, creo que es a lo que mas le temo.
- I have a thing for photographing my shoes.
- I feel self conscious about how I dress sometimes. I usually don't give a fu*k but there are times when I  wish I had better clothes...All that said, I just rather spend my money on diving, photography equipment or gym clothes.
- Watches, sunglasses and perfumes = things I like but don't buy for myself (ideas for bday presents ;), I just don't understand their over priceness.
- I get in the way of myself...en todo! Be it relationships or career stuff, no me la creo y no hago las vainas. Como dicen...I am my own worst enemy.
- Ahora, este viene raro: I think I appear stronger than I really am, but then sometimes I realize I AM stronger than I think.
- Me quiero ganar la loteria. Si, quien no?
- I believe traveling is one of the best things in the world...and food. and sex probably too.
- Cada día me doy cuenta que me parezco mas a mi papá y a mi mamá...una mezcla rara, a veces ideal y a veces desastrosa.
- Soy muy tímida con ciertas cosas, y muy lanzada para otras. Seria bueno encontrar un balance.
- I don't read as much as I'd like to.
- Ticks and leftover food in the sink make me gag.
- Me da mucho miedo montar en moto, pero me encanta manejar rápido en carro.
- I'm pretty confident about how I look, with the usual shitt days and moments. Me cabrea la gente que no se quiere!
- On that note,  my hair is constantly boycotting my confidence. I'm starting to come to terms with it and just let it be.
- Me encanta ir a cine, pero siento que hablo mucho en las pelí bastante buena adivinando que va a pasar.
- When you're in my friend list: I'm a damn good friend!
- This is me procrastinating. Time to get moving. Goodbye

1 comment:

  1. - You name your cars
    - You love to LAUGH
    - You can roll your belly a lo Shakira
    - You like selfies
    - You are LOVED BY ME!!! <3 te amo mi twinny...mkt&a foreverrr

    Pero en serio... a message to Marianto's readers:

    My friend Maria Antonia is someone to admire. She has strength, inner and outer beauty, a generous heart, and confidence balanced perfectly with a humble way of being. She does not spend time caring about materials goods -- unless they are in full support of her passions (i.e. cameras, diving gear, etc...) and, instead, focuses her energy into becoming a better human being. She is kind to herself and she is kind to others. And that's just a summary!

    She was forced into a deep, soulful mourning when her brother passed away yet she managed to pick herself up when she was low and continue on in her path towards maturation. She is now an adult woman, confidently following her dreams and aspirations and redefining herself as she becomes more self aware of herself. That is one of the main things I admire about my best friend: she knows herself and she loves herself for the person she has been, is, and is growing to be. I suffer with low self esteem in ways that stunt my growth and puts boundaries on my happiness; Maria A. loves herself and genuinely LIKES herself. You know what I mean? She treats herself well, gives herself the care she deserves, and fills her life with positivity. If I were fortunate enough to spend more time with her I would hope maybe all that self-love would rub off on least a little bit!
    But, something I do know is that, like Marian, I too am a good friend. Maybe it is because I learned about friendship through my love for Marian. She is an example to follow. She is the reason I continue and move on when feeling down.
    Let us all continue reading her posts in hopes that she will inspire us with her BRILLIANCE -- she is bright in the wise sense and she is bright in her magnetic way of being. As corny as it sounds, she emits this bright light of optimism and strength (even when her hair is looking crazy!) every single day. I am so lucky to know her and learn from her.

    Un beso, mi Marian. Te amo
